wget: Download entire websites easy

wget is a nice tool for downloading resources from the internet. The basic usage is wget url:

wget http://linuxreviews.org/

Therefore, wget (manual page) + less (manual page) is all you need to surf the internet. The power of wget is that you may download sites recursive, meaning you also get all pages (and images and other data) linked on the front page:

wget -r http://linuxreviews.org/

But many sites do not want you to download their entire site. To prevent this, they check how browsers identify. Many sites refuses you to connect or sends a blank page if they detect you are not using a web-browser. You might get a message like:

Sorry, but the download manager you are using to view this site is not supported. We do not support use of such download managers as flashget, go!zilla, or getright

Wget has a very handy -U option for sites like this. Use -U My-browser to tell the site you are using some commonly accepted browser:

  wget  -r -p -U Mozilla http://www.stupidsite.com/restricedplace.html

The most important command line options are --limit-rate= and --wait=. You should add --wait=20 to pause 20 seconds between retrievals, this makes sure you are not manually added to a blacklist. --limit-rate defaults to bytes, add K to set KB/s. Example:

wget --wait=20 --limit-rate=20K -r -p -U Mozilla http://www.stupidsite.com/restricedplace.html

A web-site owner will probably get upset if you attempt to download his entire site using a simple wget http://foo.bar command. However, the web-site owner will not even notice you if you limit the download transfer rate and pause between fetching files.

Use --no-parent

--no-parent is a very handy option that guarantees wget will not download anything from the folders beneath the folder you want to acquire. Use this to make sure wget does not fetch more than it needs to if just just want to download the files in a folder.

How can I get my videos to play?

Some video formats, such as Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media Video, are proprietary and so support for them cannot be included in Ubuntu by default. You must install some extra software to allow playback.

In order to play the most common proprietary formats in the Totem movie player or Firefox web browser, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package (see Restricted Software for more information).

Video files

(e.g. QuickTime, Windows Media)

If you try to play an unsupported video file, you will be asked if you would like to search for a suitable codec. Click Search and, when the Install multimedia codecs window appears, select one of the codecs displayed in the list and click Install.

If you are asked to confirm installation of restricted software, the codec required to play your video may have some legal restrictions which you should be aware of. If you think that the restrictions do not apply to you, press Confirm to continue with the installation.

Once installation is complete, the video should begin to play. If not, try closing and then re-opening the video.

Flash videos

(e.g. Youtube, iPlayer)

When you first try to play a Flash video in the Firefox web browser, a bar will appear at the top of the window saying that additional plugins are required. Press the Install Missing Plugins button and follow the instructions on-screen to install a Flash player.

You will be offered the choice of several players. The Adobe Flash Player is the official plugin, which should offer the best support for videos. Unfortunately, it is proprietary software and so cannot be supported directly by Ubuntu. The Swfdec and Gnash players are not proprietary and so are supported. You may also find them to be more stable (cause fewer problems) than the official player.

Streaming video

(e.g. RealVideo)

The most reliable way of playing RealVideo-format videos is to install the official RealPlayer software. See Installing and configuring RealPlayer for full instructions.

Support for most other types of streaming video can be added by following the instructions for video files or Flash videos. If you are having difficulties getting a video to stream in your web browser, right-click the video and select Open with "Movie Player" if that option is available.

Videos that are otherwise unsupported

If none of the other instructions in this section work with a particular video, try using a different media player. VLC and MPlayer support a wide range of formats; it is recommended that you try one of these.

After you finish with the above process of installing restricted packagaes if you face an Error signal-

Just go to the terminal

login as super user or run following commands with sudo

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt-get autoremove

apt-get autoclean

This will install some of the ttf-mscorefonts package if not installed properly in the process of installing restricted fonts from microsoft cross platform.

If your videos do not show up after upgrading to 9.04 just try this

  • Reverting the Jaunty Xorg intel driver to 2.4

The problem

As Described in X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance, some laptops with intel graphics hardware experience a serious performance degration after upgrading from intrepid to jaunty. The reasons for that are already explained on that page. This page explains how to revert the driver to the version in intrepid.

Installing the package

Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/siretart/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/siretart/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main

Import the appropriate GPG key:

 sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xce90d8983e731f79

See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories for additional information how to add GPG keys to your system.

Install the driver:

 $ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.4

Now you should be set. Restart X and see if the graphics performance from intrepid is restored.

Do I need to change my xorg.conf file? ==> May not work. Situation not improved without xorg.conf change??

Rolling back

If the driver does not work for you, or is not better, you should rollback to the original Ubuntu one. Remove the two lines from /etc/apt/sources.list again, and install the original one again:

 $ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel
If X.org does not start at all, you should change to a text terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2, logging in, and use "sudo nano" to edit /etc/apt/sources.list. After installing xserver-xorg-video-intel, restart the computer with "sudo reboot".